Monday, February 25, 2013

Great Expectations

Trust in the Lord with all you heart
And lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And he will make your path straight.
Proverbs 3 5:-6

I am thankful to know the God who knows all, the God who does not always give me what I want because He sees the complete picture and desires His best for me. I am thankful that while I was fully focused on leaving two weeks ago, He knew that my children would just be entering a season of sickness that would last at least two weeks (it isn't over yet) and that I would not want to be apart from them during that time. I am thankful I was here to love on them and care for them during their dark moments (while sanitizing my hands and all hard surfaces every couple of minutes). I praise the Lord for protecting my health during this time of rampant germs. He knows how much I have to do! I laughed out loud during a prayer yesterday where I solemnly told Him I trusted Him with my health and then hastily tacked on, "But I'm still going to keep using hand sanitizer."    

I had pictured the two weeks before we left as a time where lots of learning would be taking place at the Williams' Academy (since we will be taking two weeks off while I am gone), where we would be enjoying family outings and making final memories as a family of 5. Instead, the TV has been on all day every day (I shudder to even write this but it's true), children have been up many times every night, and my main goal has been to not overdose them since I am trying to keep fevers down using two different medications and managing three different medication schedules. I am disappointed that real life got in the way of my expectations, but I realize that does happen sometimes.  

What a two weeks we have had!

The Lowlights:  
* Each child has gone through a week-long high fever and cough (but they were staggered so that it lasted two full weeks).  This was preceded by two full weeks of bad colds for a grand total of four weeks that we we have not done any of our regular-scheduled activities and rarely left the house.  
* Caleb finally succumbed and had a rough several days, but is feeling better today.
* After just a few days of feeling better, Britton woke up with a 103 fever again this morning. The doctor assured us it is just another virus. Please God, do not let this cycle through all the kids again!  
* Our kitty, Mew, was hit and killed by a car. (Another praise that I was here to help Britton through this, as Mew was really His cat and he is truly grieving. I'm extremely sad myself. A sweeter, more beautiful cat there never was.) 

The Highlights:
* Sweet, sweet friends gathered to celebrate the coming of Rosalie with me. I came away marveling at the dear people God has placed in my life.
* Friends from every corner of our lives are helping with our kids while we are gone: everything from rides to activities to playdates and overnighters to just being an emergency or non-emergency contact if grandparents need assistance.    
* I have stayed well.

And I saved the greatest highlight for last:
*We received a very encouraging update and new photos of Rosalie. She has gained two pounds in the past two months, the orphanage workers are no longer concerned with her hearing, and she looks happy and healthy. My heart felt like it would overflow when I looked at this precious face.

Isn't she just beautiful?  And she will be in my arms in 5 days! That puts the challenges of the past two weeks in perspective! Stay tuned as we depart in 36 hours!     


  1. For Rosalie, and for Kara:

    "He tends His flock like a shepherd:
    He gathers the lambs in His arms
    And carries them close to His heart;
    He gently leads those that have young."

    ~Isaiah 40:11

  2. You guys have been on my little heart and mind all week! I'm so sad there's more germs! You have been such troopers! We're praying here, and can't wait to hear sweet baby R is in your arms, and you're able to join your family of SIX together back home!
